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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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the 10 a to know something 1010 the the hello. so rahman you want to me, i'll just it renews on line. so my headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes policy being present mahmoud abbas appeals to the us to help stop as well as planned to tack on rasa. a wave of his riley surprise at palestinian neighborhoods across the gauze and straight. 66 people are killed in the last 24 hours, hundreds of students are arrested across the us protests against israel's war on garza and now spreading to new university campuses. i also meet them in a,
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in so with a we were speaking to and to a party, to activists and jazz legend, people hot 6 small boys in south africa, mox, 15 years of democracy in sport, fox on name, the new cricket coaching team from australia, bonus jason gillespie is the new test coach. well at some africa batson gary test and takes charge of the limits today the same. the is $1300.00. gmc welcome to the news palestinian present mahmoud abbas says only the united states can stop israel from launching a ground attack on rough uh that he was speaking of the world economic forum in the saudi arabian capital, re add, abbas repeated his calls for an end to the war in garza and israel to allow him all right, and he won't as well with trying to push palestinians out of the occupied westbank
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after it's done with gaza. israel has been threatening to load a full ground assault on rough mold, a 1500000 people. a sheltering my exit is what is happening and gaza. what will happen in the coming days and what israel will do by inviting the city of ruffled all the palestinians from gaza gathered in the city of rough or it's only a small blo remains to get them all out. then it would be the biggest disaster in the history of the palestinian people. i know now i assure you, anybody, we appeal to the united states of america to ask israel to stop the rough operation . because america is the only country capable of preventing israel from convincing this crime. same does rob. he joins the stuff, i'm real, my life, the occupied west bank. so a statement from the palestinian president zane. but we will resume to have any effect amongst the politicians while he is, or even you might say some impact back home.
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well, it is certainly a significant statement. it is the 1st time the boss has said anything like this. it is the 1st time a senior leader from the posterior authority has said anything like this and not missed his words, but it has to be said that he was simply echoing the things that palestinians we've been speaking to had been saying for the last 6 months what palestinians have been suffering in gaza and across the west bank for 6 months, and the reaction on the palestinian street is likely to mirror a broader political response. the people we've been speaking to say that what they see is a r, a or a speech words from their leader. that is far too late and far too weak. one person described it as the musings of an analyst, not necessarily the speech of a leader of a people that are under attack. and one person described it as mom, with the bus seems to have hit his expiration date and is no longer really fit for
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purpose. so in terms of the mood here in the room, i look across much of the westbank, people have a deep lack of faith in their political leaders at these incredibly trying time for palestinians in garza and across the occupied territories. they have been, thanks so much. they've been sort of you that force in ramallah. let's go say the 2 abilities i will, gosh, here. and there was such a focusing on the saudi foreign policy at lancaster university's sectarianism proxies and the sectarian organization project. he's life with us from re and it's good to have you with us on the program has present about sort of missed an opportunity to emphasize how important the arab nations you might say to include palestinians of the palestinian voice in the future economic decision. so the cementing of a commitment that palestine will be a state and want to do business with us, what a psychological message could have been sent out to you. well, firstly, it's good to join you. thank you very much for having me. i agree. i think as a,
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as a researcher anonymous of somebody for a policy towards israel and to publish the palestinian israeli conflict. i've always been consumed in the past few, few years, really of how can we generate more error support for the palestinian that issue or how can at least for example, with a bass and diplomatic discourse can attract a, an error support. and i think it personally, while we all support without boston is and, and, and trying to call for assessed agent hostilities and, and warning of the learning i talk on, on the, i think it was a missed opportunity personally to really gain residence with the people and just say basically the said, you know, here we are and in the world economic form the we are talking about regional stability. and then for example, a administer of the for the fine finance minister of sound,
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the radio was talking about regional security and development. and that we kind of have regional security without regional development, etc. that he could have said, well, either to the occupation without an occupation we, we kind of have regional development to that. basically we would love to participate more and become more of a he couldn't do so it'd be strengthened that he could have also stop somebody hypotheticals that are being sort of muted around at the moment. some regional capital is already talking about the day after we've heard this, right. so for many quotes as saudi arabia has said, certainly one of the last statements a couple of months was no normalization with israel until the 2 state solution is firmly in place. is also red line. do you think the sides you right beer is not going to cross or is this a position that could be a flexible one depending on the ground realities? and i'll be very honest, i think as much as it hits an ideal situation at the deposition was always holding
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a position that was a starting point of negotiations. and basically when it comes to the saudi position regarding the palestinians at the s, and it says yes, a palestinian state. but i think more essentially it is what the palestinian authority will accept. and therefore, when one has that position and saudi officials, historically, i've been, you know, on the record present and you know, what is good for them is good for us. as input for them, i'll send you does it for us. and therefore, what does this mean? this means that there is a negotiated process taking place. course, you know, this cannot be separated from the american side of the situation or negotiations taking place as well. so there is a great deal of balancing. and also there's a great deal of moving parts that we just, you know, it just makes it very difficult. it was a normalization of all their, all those moving parts because of consensus is required to visit the world economic
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forum. because before the us secretary of state arrives, well more to see that you need to united our voice, especially at this moment in time. a such a delicate time in rafa is the focus because the divided voice only in bold ins. israel under the supporters. yes. well, this is exactly what i think they're trying to do. that's why yesterday was an important signal. i think by meeting having a, a port that the error coordinator for the 6 member arrow coordinated coordination group on the minute administer the coordination group, met yesterday. and i think it was a sign or another attempt to kind of create another the unified front at least publicly. to illustrate the fact that this is where the error position is going to be going to be. this is where the position of those who are going to play an active role in, in the day after, in gaza. uh are where they're at. yeah. and basically the situation now is
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that the united states can't do it alone. it needs air partners, their partners also, they are states know that they can't do it alone in this war has unfortunately lost the one big mess, where if there's to be an external intervention, an external pro activity. so therefore, it's to coordinate this product to be no one can do this alone. the same with that said, the united states is the only actor that could provide political leverage on israel . and that's what the saudis and the arab states are doing. they're saying basically this and we, we have to, we could do, we could deliver on certain things we can deliver on this rule. this is what we're ready to do for the day after now you have to deliver on israel and what they're going to do for the day after los out was the coordinate need for it. it stops and we will see what happens is we have to take this routes on use that for the moment
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. ability. so as these all got you and thanks for joining us from reyes. my pleasure, thank you for having to mediate as well, trying to reach these 5 deal between as well and who else as role size, if the group projects that slate to stall. so they'll go ahead with a ground invasion of rough mold, and one and a half 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering. that's a cause. i have a to be stuck if i these to reset and bet us with a standing by for us that. but it's where all the sci fi, totes right now. so how we know that, how sad it will send a delegation to cairo on monday, and then a gate delegation will discuss the si fi proposal. it was presented by cats, a, an egypt, as well as a israel respond some of the homicide on friday that it received as well as responds to the sci fi proposal and was studying it since then. how about us has released videos showing proof of life, of 3 of the cap staves in the last few days,
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stepping up the pressure on these rarely goldman, the headed by benjamin netanyahu. but we know that previous si fi tools, a flounder because of the failure to bridge the gap between the 2 sides by got being. but how much is insisting on that end to the war and a withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. and israel has only ever been offering a temporary cease fire and return for the release of about a 130 old captives and more humanitarian aid getting in to gaza. israel refusing to fully withdrawal because it has them yet achieved is objectives, according to benjamin netanyahu. and bodies, the destruction of how much the destruction of its ability to attack israel. so while these, i think of that might be trying to put pressure on the palestinians. he's really government itself is under pressure, not just from the us and various uh, global capitals trying to make sure that it doesn't go into rafa falls that pressure from another direction within these rated cabinets itself. prime minister
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netanyahu really does have his hands fold of the yeah, well he's under enormous pressure from different sides of his cabinet, really from the fall ride. we've had best level small traits, the finance minister saying, but if netanyahu agrees to egypt proposals that would constitute a humiliating defeat. we though, don't know what those egyptian proposals uh and also it's mopping to the another fall or administer saying that it's danielle who agrees to whatever these proposals are. it would lead to the dissolution of the government. but then from a member of his war cabin at the center right benny guns, he says that invasion or an operation in rama is important. but the return of hostages is more important than regular protests in israel against netanyahu accusing him of prolonging the war. because if he ends the war then that will lead to elections ultimately on his own reckoning at the ballot box. so accusation did
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belong in the war, not considering the hostages while his enormous pressure from the fall right to go into rock. but regardless of what might happen to those officers that is with the force in occupied easter eastern. thank you. let's go say that to mom bush. all right, who's out, is there a senior political unless enjoying this now from london? hi baldwin. i mean with a name and into is really military operation pending that we've been talking about several weeks now on the palestinian president, speaking up and re ad saying that the us has the power to stop israel. we still have know a lot that way. i'm sorry, we sort of know all of that. that way. yes. well, it sounds like, uh, is this. uh, we're not in day 2, not in day 200, most of the war. but the united states might have many of the parts and it's hands back into pieces. the use of the united states has a leverage. it can not exact into one's cost or does right. but it doesn't.
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it's been 6 months. so don't want to say, but the city hard to like, the government's continued to be to the united states. the united states stand by the social continues to please call me as the continues, whether it's a salt or with a site, that's best option. you guys are different use of after 200 days, we are on a qualitatively all different scale. no we just few days ago they were digging mass graves. so hundreds and hundreds of people including children, women and people who found under bad at all. so for, imagine this happen anywhere in the world would be just be the lead. would they just be saying, you know, we're going back here one more finish. remember, we are still here. is something over over a great degree of incentives on the part of the procedural warranty. the government
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is making the situation far more worse. the seniors easier for the united states and it seems that situation could get even was if what we're hearing is that these rainy position is. but if you don't degree to this latest proposal account a proposal we're getting into rafa. regardless, this is a dangerous situation, and that's not just being voiced in walton capital, but several yes, absolutely. i just need to underline an important point. why we're always not with is making this point. as you said, it's been 6 weeks, 7 weeks and weeks since we're making the point about the immediate original problem that hasn't happened, america shopping frustrating for the late so so why we find a meeting? the policy in the governments continue to warn about that version and i think we need to continue to pay attention to what is already happening. i mean,
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the idea of many dozens of people killed every day, hundreds of casualties every day. the past 6 months, we've seen that kind of destruction, everything from hospitals to schools. and so, so for, we need to continue to emphasize that because my fear is sort of bizarre as we continue to talk about to emphasize the danger of what's coming. you somehow seem to, i'd be emphasized what is already happening today and yesterday, and last week of last month of the month. and the incredible charge moving forward, even without even the is not in vain to many, many thousands of people that are running. people are dying every day from. 8 disease and hunger. so the situation is really bad, but just wondering what make up for now if the situation is gonna get much worse,
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is that off i thing happens. now there's a lot of questions when i was one type of social. one of them is america brush, the years is really performed with the cost of travel is awesome. and there is the i see the idea that there are no reports about warning. it might issue a swirl environments because really this i think that's also slowing down. they get all the decisions and they're still what's on the 1000000 people to walk down down to something. so good number of reasons. one of the things my actually slept in a different direction on the floor like delay. the reason i that's why that's keep our eyes on the whole of what is happening today because what has happened? the last 67, most of the guys are that is like this. what's the disasters? and that's what makes it really government involved with work,
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arms and small. and just briefly let me just pick up on something that you said about us not taking the oil simple. i don't think that while the politicians, you know, i'm willing and taking a step back to a certain extent to not being cool, not committed in the actions the us public for example. and since we sort of your last told to us, the, the, the, the, the, the motivation of american students across a whole range of universities has spread like wildfire. they haven't taken the, of the aisle simple. so i have very clear about what is going on because of the pictures that the seeing. and this is a very different sort of pressure on the american government and on the israeli government and on europe and governments the accident lives. so it's just incredible to inspire what has happened. it's all of these ivy league schools in the united states, but also here in new york and as squared increasing the movements on the part of the use. and those are not just students for say, the size of young people who are conscientious objectors and so many ways they are
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conscious about the environment. and then you came back to the social justice and the more for ration and quantities of social diplomacy on so. so forth, so cool edition is a good question for young people organizations or various looks like that are coming together for both sides. so this is not just the 1st time you know, this is done the supervisor. she's also across the boarders across identity, including so many jews inspire by the start i haven't any yes, that is putting pressure. i must say if there wouldn't be a decision on the part of the i c. c, to indict some of this is going to see this from the point where people
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within very, very short time and the pressure on western governments. and one of ours is going to go and explanation. we shall see what happens to the shower of the senior political analyst in london. thank you. central garza has been talked in some of the latest is really as strikes as baldwin just mentioned. the health officials in the strip say at least 66 palestinians are being co, i'm old and a 100 others wounded in the past 24 hours. is there any attacks of also cause widespread destruction in nebraska a ton of cowboys and joins us now live from russia in southern gaza? and i think in the past few hours at tarik, we have heard some more explosions. if we can just talk about that 1st, about what we know is happening well, generally the as very ministry has been talking to multiple areas. of course, this trip within the past couple of hours, specifically. and then other parts of the territory, as of july street,
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has been widely attacked by the toner units alongside that. reaching out here town, the area where the ministry has announced that they are starting in military gratian insights had been targeted. we have detecting eye witnesses that describing the situation to be critically done in that area. as in the middle areas, there is one palestinians, at least i won't publish plenty of at least has been killed off during the song. talk this time without any prior warnings. uh, into sell it parts of the territory here. we can only hear on going buzzing of the many trends in the central and western part of a rough or has a part of the intelligence gathering information processed by these military a drones in order to be late to identify target um to eliminate them. but generally, according to guns, as hills ministry, at least $66.00 palestinians have to report a cube within the past 24 hours. and now this, these numbers have become so familiar. and every single day as casualties amongst civilians continues continue to rise without any yes. kind of
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a protection being forwarded to a residence under the same time, people in russell are so concerned about the anticipated military and cogent for rough. our district we have been reporting about that again and again on right now was we have been witnessing more leaks about and advancements in negotiations between homeless and east bell to reach for some supply bream into broke it by hassan de just now the situation for them has like to be uh, adjusted there is a great deal of hope right now among palestinians. and they are the same time afraid that these negotiations can collapse and as before, which means that this will be the last chance for a writing to such a great deal. all the ceasefire agreements between full spots unless there is going to be deadly consequences. the resulting from the anticipation of military attacks, the last densely populated area in detach. we talked about as far as and ralph, i think his roles as it's fine to jet since truck has blocked targets in southern
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lebanon, now statement released by as well as on me says a military compound was also head footage released by the military affairs to show the strikes hit, the group sites in the middle of the us area has beloved and israel have traded finally, every day since the stalls of the will. in casa, the french foreign ministers in the lebanese capital for tools on the escalating security situation on the boat. is that a cold? how's this updates from bait? the process trying to de escalate attention? so across the 11 on as route border, according to the french foreign minister, he's here in favor to discuss with 1111 east officials. a proposal for that to happen. now his visit just the week after 11 on prime minister. and as she may ask you, as well as the head of the lebanese army, joseph found 4 in paris for talks with the french precedents on the situation along the border. now he did not the french foreign ministers,
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not defaulting any details on that proposal. but what we understand from officials is that it is based on un resolution 1701 which was adopted after the last 4 between hezbollah and as well as 2006. what it calls for is an area from the border up to 20 kilometers free of fighters and weapons outside the states controls. so what we understand is that, and frances, discussing the possibility of beating up the presence of lebanese army troops along the border and the lebanese, our group has block pulling back, pulling back up to a 10 kilometers. but the bottom line is this as western nations try to deescalate tensions as much as france. america is west, has the law has drawn the line in the sand and it's made, it's very, very clear. it's open the front to help relief pressure on garza and it will not hold the fighting until there is a permanency fire in gaza. so until there are the war on garza ends, then this front 11 on israel front will will remain an active affront. so these
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meetings really are not quite severe, much route until a permanency fires wasted in gaza. raleigh, in solidarity with palestinians, and garza has been taking place into key events organized by the foundation for humanitarian relief. it's among the groups which have also been backing the freedom with tele, co relation. let's go say with us the back who how small for us, from stumble tests a little bit more about the demonstration, how it went as well. the one hundreds of people that turn died today, despite the weather, it's been raining all evening and all day. and this is not the only demonstration that's taking place to have been of those across the country and this some expected later today as well. then people are really just showing this all the direct you with the palestinians in the calling for a cease fire. an awesome for the feeds or dum on them for the seeds to be lifted. it has banners on that cause cooling on the roof off crossing to be open. but this
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does come a day off the news that the departure of the freedoms that to the coalition had been delayed, but this time without a deposit date. that's because this ships cannot fly without flags, and 2 of those just flying the flag of any bustle. and that was a move by the authority today. and it was a non set to the such and it would not be leaving that the organizes are continues to try to organize and set the deposit date. and most after this i've been told to go home. the $5500.00 tons of age would remain here an extra i'm after this have gone home if there's a staying hoping that they will be able to set sail in charge of the challenges that the of gaza. but the feeling here on the streets amongst those that were protesting is still very strong and determined to despise that disappointment. they say they will continue to show this all the guardian for to i continued to call the not only the own government, but governments around the world to try and schools a ceasefire and, and that sees in gaza. and that's happening across the field. and from the people
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that we spoke to, they uh, sofa and this all the directly towards palestinians as the bags, as far as that is double. thank you. it's time for the weather that pays for all bone and updates. that's something china is extraordinary with in there, as you may already be aware of. there been at least 2 tornadoes in southern china, dudley ones in glen chow, which is just north of hong kong. this is just some footage of what happens, which one of the hats hits power lines as well. damage on the drive was quite extensive, and surprisingly, this is the industrial area. it was hitting glen jar itself that shows have moved east towards, but they're going to be replaced by more and they wouldn't just bringing tornadoes or even heavy ranks than problems the last few weeks. the size of housing tremendously is a chunk device. robin hailstones, i think you might agree. so of course is damaged from these as well as the labor quandary which is just to the west of randall. and there's more to come because on monday, a line of thunderstorms, not the orange tops,
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really indicate stretches down to was home car. once again, that regular go east was and cause of where they at least the end in shanghai and the storms and sells a new south then through home car. so is it by no means the end of this is fairly heavy, right? which might even measure the seasonal range is due in may. so hong kong, full costs, and once again, it's enough for 3 days of other rain shows all thunderstorms quite often over costs and overseas, humid underscore the sun is told, which means some gusts of wind. it still has a on out, is there a the fight for these 2, these all of these last strong old and adults, all region least hundreds of thousands displaced on tens of thousands of on the streets of australia. demanding actually gets a rise in a tax against women as a trophy, you con where we'll show you. the goals of the planes is 1st, we know the tool in japan that's coming up in spoke with jim instead of going the
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pod, he came into the use of the aisle seat, suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful. here the story on talk to how does era you a for a year or 2024, he's getting closer. great savings, a white youth squad now to the euro, early the adults to get up to 3 month free subscription or reset top full experience. the great is supposed to be a big jump, the exclusive b b. the
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book about the what you know just that when use our with me so rahman in the how remind to of onto of stories me days is all still trying to reach us east fine day . oh, between israel and thomas as well says it's a group projects, it's late to start. it will go ahead with the ground a tank of process, but more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians a showing how much the present mahmoud abbas is only the us can stop israel from attacking rafa. speaking at the world economic forum, he repeated calls for an end to the war in garza and israel to allow more a. a nicholas hole is chief of operations and manager soul,
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the explosive ordinance disposal project in garza, he's with the purchase, charity, humanity, and inclusion. and joins us live now from outside the quite hospital in rough. i'm still a good time you with us on the program. how immense is the task ahead of you right now? the, the thanks for having a great time. so where is the total price of a notice or to make sure it's okay mr. or we can, you can, we can hear you. can you please? yes. how you have a very difficult task ahead of you. okay. unfortunately i can't hear you. can you hear me now miss through indeed, well do i need you monetary actually, yes, thank you. did you monitor reduction guys in a moment? has the, it is a multiple task in front of them. it's going to take decades to get this back to
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some kind of normality with what we're seeing here in terms of the ordinance that you think it's full and is unexploded. and what sort of most of estimates do you have? i'm aware of the way across the strip is, is you'll focus of attention right now. well it shows it for you, but you should have to say we, we kind of put into the south of the water, which is mid garza, we're watching throughout bad about a ton you to send in the top and the rough uh, um, anticipating all the movements through, do you mind a survey and say toys buttons to the middle area though by the butler. again, this is a pain in the kind of the occupation the i difficult to patient of rougher and then being proactive about i work, you know, areas where we can, the house is on the safeway, give them some kind of sort of a sustainability in the in terms of the, the old and,
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and that you'll also be focusing on but hasn't exploded all you're trying to make areas safe. a just describe what your day entails when you come across a piece of ordinance that hasn't exploded. well, how do you, how do you work around that? yeah, very good question. um, the places they'll be watching a very just similar to the population. how did you imagine the buildings behind me in the any population base to the moment loading around the subject telling you this is absolutely devastated. and i've never seen anything like a much or how do i respond? well, usually i know the 1st prize is a ceo, it moves them on page 2, it through a system that we develop today with the other g o actors. so try to make myself a safe space and i tried to identify and then diagnose the item. is it site visit
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on a not ton to that pre determines my response to it. i require explosives to deal with explosives and i simply don't have access to the under the rules governing jobs or the moment. so my response is determined by trying out market, trying to avoid it and trying to make the every is safe for people who are packaging through and living in the area. i'm not in that is the outcome. that's really all i can do without access to the equipment, in terms of any communication you have with israel as to how you're trying to disarm any munitions. is there any contact between your charitable organization, the way you move around in gaza and these ladies themselves? i've not received the need to read. 2 stay was such a made the channels open. that's for in terms of dealing with and explode. you'll notice all doing so abundant old news in terms of movement. when i moved by move
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a truck, i move move with the photo to the nation. of these radio authorities and they're aware of my movements, my predictive payments might very close a much like people i talked and, and not the way we keep ourselves is the way to get to it. can you feel like, yeah, it's the way to get to speech and it's being difficult with the cold surprise there's is really drive ins. hovering above used by it, difficult for you to listen to us as well. but really appreciate your time. nicholas or joining us about that. thank you. no problem. thank you. susan probably test is against the wall in garza. i'm not continuing for a 2nd week and america beck calling on the universities to divest investments and as well, but the spike risking disruptions academic calendar. well, the volume to sol, jerome 1200 begins, are coverage now from princeton university in new jersey for students occupying college campuses across the united states. the price of pro test can be
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high. there are the arrests, a 100 of them on saturday at northeastern university in boston, and more than 600 over the past week, including 2 here at princeton university. talk about guns and culture. i mean, this is a kansas shut down any discussion and really ranging discussion of history. i mean for many of these positions and history began on october 7th. we didn't begin on october, the 7th it's, we actually let to october the 7th. and this is what students want to discuss. then there is the academic price at princeton were captured. protesters move on. many students were masks to protect their identities, but still play by the university's rules. no amplifiers, no sleeping in no tents, including the massive tent the university put up for an upcoming event next to the
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protest encampment. soon as are taking some big risk at these protests, if they violate university rules, they can be expelled in here at princeton commissions, over $50000.00 a year. and for many of them it's in education. they've been looking forward to all their life. you know, that speaks to how passionate people are about it. i mean, we're willing to put that on the line. and we also know that we have power numbers, palestinian active as linked as our sources. there's an irony in lead universities in scaling ethical values in students and then punishing them for exercising those values. they are young people that you don't even have to agree with, but they live in america in a democracy and they have every right to freedom of speech. and they are being brutalized by law enforcement who could be using their time for something else. and in fact, the fact that we are suppressing young people across this country only further emboldens them and continues these types of in cap mentioned work for justice policy. that is what appears to be happening in new jersey. new york ended dozens
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of universities from coast to coast when college presidents calling police to arrest demonstrators and tear down, protest encampments. the students rebuild the old ones and build new ones on new campuses. john henry l. g 0, princeton, new jersey. all universities and gaza have been badly damaged or destroyed by is right, the forces displace palestinians that comes in reference, southern gods with thinking student protested in the us for the solar diversity messages across the cheese have been displayed on that tens. they say despite plumb down spinal pharmacies close to end, the will have been heard by palestinians under siege. and that that's how they have to the i'm not sure i had enough with this idea came to us of seeing what was happening in the news. especially the support from the students of the world, particularly the students of columbia university, full standing with us, with the humanity, their hearts and their compassion. and we hope the world will stand united with
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them. we hope for the world to support them, you know to arrest them and imprison them. the spring is in the days of the news, the un security council says it's deeply concerned. see dollars power military rapid support forces the preparing for an attack in out of sasha. the city is the last stronghold of the army in western doleful region. the rapids support forces to control the for the state capital foster. at least $21.00 communities are being attacked in the area since march. the fighting is seeing the number of display civilians. and now if i should go from 300002800000 in recent months, hidden morgan joins us now live from polt. see don here, but i mean we've seen several cities in the full come under attack, so we just mentioned, but they didn't receive similar warnings. so why of sasha?
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well, it's far to because of what's happened in the cities and states of dar for that uh the uh, international organizations, the united nations or something, the alarm over on fashion. hundreds of thousands of people who are in of the city essentially. yeah. and those same eastern and central's are for fled to and 5 should when the are 7 people were out of fear of being targeted based on their ethnicity. the majority of the people aren't. there aren't displaced people. and they were the ones who were targeted by the permits who rapid support forces during the onset of a dar 4 in 2003. so they are fears that with they are a subset to attack on fashion city. they will be targeting people based on their ethnicity already in west is are for we know that at least 10000 to 5th that we seem to have lost hey, by that a mid throes from call to
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a cause will continue to monitor what happens in alpha shows we expect some sort of comment to be made as to whether a ceasefire will be imminent or not. ok if i place on that story. let's stay on the continent day because the key necessity has dismissed a report from a rights group accusing the military of executing 223 civilians, including more than 50 children. human rights for says between assassins ami carried out the cuttings into northern villages and february. the report says that they were executed as part of the campaign against civilians accused of working with groups. let's do a nicholas hockey's in duyka instead of got another statement by the government to begin to fast. so saying that that would investigate. but we need to see whether those words that got into tied into action. nick? that's right. so i mean, the statement that came out with strong words, they said the government said that the allegations made by human rights watch were baseless. and if they had any evidence and they should put it forward because there
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is an investigation by the government over these alleged killings. in fact, the statement goes further saying that in any instances of human rights violation, while the government goes out and opens investigations. but the issue here is doing those investigation and with conviction sentencing or present term. since abraham try re came to power in a crew 2 years ago. none of these investigations have come to a, to some sort of conviction, invest the level of infinity that human rights watch is trying to point out with this latest report that shows that the security forces of routine of foss, so went out to kill those, that they were meant to protect the allegations date from february 25th on 2 villages in the border with molly, where survivors pretended to be dead. well,
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security forces were uh, were killing villagers, and that's according to eye witnesses that spoke to human rights watch. now this follows an attack that took place on military barracks just 25 kilometers to those villages. but there's a sense that since that reported by human rights watch was made public that there's an effort by the government to stifle any voices of this time. because all those that have reported on this human rights watch, a report has been taken off air. i'm lit, alluding to local newspapers, radio is television channels, but also international broadcast broadcast or is that reported on this? and we spoke to reporters without border who, who their spokesman say it seems that in for keen a fast, so there's only one voice that's allowed to talk. and that's the voice of the government. and that's certainly what we're seeing right now. so because i think
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that for us inductive set of go, thank you. hey, national period of morning has been declined in july, the beginning of free military police offices to abuse or pay to them in santiago during afraid to not be 97 percent of us. we have a false, the men were attacked and killed in the call while responding to 3 faults, emergency calls. it happened in the southern out. you have programs no matter where they hide, met. so what, what does the crust? we will catch them and they will face chilean justice, public safety, which is the priority for today and, and therefore it is the priority of my government and explosion, that's a military base and southern come body as cold 1220. so just pardon me, people in nearby villages say that the impact of the munition blast damage that homes. several others have been injured. come barriers, prime minister has promised to compensate those effected security around the compound has been tightened while the cause of the blast is being investigated.
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phone line, let me know kinda when the explosion happened, i was fixing my house with some construction workers. suddenly there was a loud explosion causing my house to shake and breaking tiles and my roof. they fell down, but luckily they didn't fall inside the house. tens of thousands of people evaluated and said he's across australia to buy the action, to engender based violence. the protests are in response to a shop increase and the number of women being killed. let me call century as the story see from melbourne to put the most in to thousands, calling for tougher laws and violence against women. the demonstrations come after wise and the number of women can so for this year i'm really sick of it. i'm. i'm sick of this and i don't want my teachers to continue being like that. according to the government, one woman has been killed in 3 full days in australia this year. that's 27 women.
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this figure nearly doubled, has been compared to the same period last year. a recent stabbing attack and sydney that killed 6 people. most of them women has brought the issue of violence against them back to the full it needs to stop with a son the boys because this behavior being perpetuated by centuries long and the so jenny, from mr. anthony albany z attended one of the vanities in captain ken brown. it's not just government a problem. it's a problem of our entire society. the women's rights advocates say such attacks have become disturbing. the common in the country. in 2021. tens of thousands violate against allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct. and some will false previous highest political offices in a nation,
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but the men of feeling increasingly unsafe. these protested pardon for change. the consumption of these on to caesar, cypress pull, no history on like is a how could there be any more twists and turns in the premier like tied to a race to top seeing space and action on sunday. the there's also a playing the north london rivals taught them also to lead 15 minutes in with a bit of help with us. yeah, i mean we've us heading into his own nets status and how to go rolled out for a site before because seca made it to and they'll also call and have it spend school another. it is 3 now approaching half time out with the state of massachusetts or wherever allegations pressed into nursing and forrest life. so should also know beach bus that he would find themselves full points behind. that's how i survived was by the time they kick off the crucially assessing, do have a game in hand. we know that we the,
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we know we throw will not be chance to fight them to the end. so of course the pressures that we have done in deposit doesn't means is going to happen in the future to do it again, the things you have to make it happen, the job and champions by level keys. and i've extended that on base and run to $46.00 games, but they did it the hard way. they went to know down to still got before the come back began in the 65 minutes a monopoly putting a go back. so that the occasion and then with the last take of the game, a robot underscore the equalizer. to maintain that incredible workforce power sounds and i will clinch that that straight french the tides relate to. if nearest bible's monica failed to beat, neil, he asked you would already be champions, have they beaten the opera on saturday, but they drew andre. i put the office to want up p. s t 131 down full as traffic. he started a fight back. i'm sorry ramos and then school and stuff. it's time it to make it 3
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. 0, what the time to celebrations on hold for t s t for now being a mess the school twice into miami in the latest major league soccer game. they have to fight from a go down nice beat, new england revelation for one. the mess the fact so it generates at a record time crowd. so new england have more than 65000 to see origin. tina's world cup, when an action is assessed, play, and my last history to record 16 go contributions in his 1st 7 games of the season . how does bos lane have reached the final of the women's champions? they cuz they ever send a one know suspect deficit to beat chelsea. you how to play a central while i'm doing that. i sign up on my face for the 1st one, the penalty which put it in a role for school to send you 3 off the face of the ps. you want me in the final cricket now and focused on to the pointed to jason glass b as new head coach that test team. this is the 1st major international coaching roles. the former australia false bowler, who remains these countries 6 highest. we could take it in tests 47 year old class,
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be known as dizzy ones, pockets done to play with smiles on the faces. progress on. i've also appointed to form a south africa batsman and coach, gary custin to take charge of the limits of diverse teams. added the tea. 2012 cup custom previously coached india between 282011 a live on james. i mean, i like has a cleaning on in the n, b, a playoff series of to finally getting when over the denver nuggets also losing a 3 straight games. they were on the verge of illumination, against the defending champions, but they got themselves on the board in los angeles without $119.00. that's a one or wait victory game for the wrong score. fuzzy announced me davis go 25 along with 23. v balance. it ends on 11 game losing streak to denver. he's still leave 31 in the series, which means all games must win now for the like us as they head back to denver the game 5 on monday. we're only opportunity for us is a pretty nice game. we've given our self another life yourself, another lifeline. and it's a one game series for us. you know, so, you know,
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one of them is the most important game season for us. and we understand that and we know that. so, you know, assess the, you know, you lose, you've done any way you keep going. so it's, and i must talk about the top stated boston south. so it was moved ahead and that's the reason against the miami heat. jason tyson and jaylen brown bicycles, $22.00 points, each boston when uncomfortably one or $4.00 to $84.00, they need to one overall in the best of 7 series, the celtics to fill out a magic of leveled up the series against the cleveland campbell is friends of log and it was the top score with $34.00 points as a foot from behind it. so in 112 to 189 squares, things of that. so you to of, to full games. step oklahoma city sound just as one went away from wrapping up the service against the new orleans pelicans at the number one seed in the west on one the latest and counts that one or 685 to take a 3. nothing late. just get a score 21.12 straight go. just alexander scored to scold,
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i should say was 24 there. toford tell for the the new york auditors have kept themselves alive and the n h out, stanley cup playoffs, they was 3. is that right down against the carolina hurricanes and the 1st round series spots? they won game for the 2nd time. it was fine. thanks to this go from a few balls out. that keeps things going into the game 5, which is in north carolina on tuesday. there was a similar story in florida as the terms of a lightning one. the 1st game against the pumps is steven sound, ghosts and brandon, hazel, vice, full twice as the lightning 163. they still trial 3. 1 nice a must win the next 3 games is that to go 3 any 4 times and 206 attempts as an edit chelsea and come back to window series. 3 down the boston bruins are in control against the toronto and may police abroad. marcia, how to go on to the system, the 31 victory. please put some 3 when i 1st row and just one went away from progressing the top. seated data stalls have food one back in the series against
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the las vegas golden nights. what it jumps in school didn't have a time to get the wind and, and a 6 game losing streak against vegas and nights too late to 1 april. they were here a from the 8 c as english roughly to the glitz and glamour of the nfl. travers caisen was one of the standout picks on the fine was a, is the nfl dropped place and it was the 200 and 21st taking the choice. the 6 foot 7, the $300.00 pounds offensive lines when its heading to the buffalo bills, and its just the 2nd of the international play, a policy participant to be picked up in grafton 23 year old place, which is not a problem for phasing states before joining the nfl academy in 2019 a few ideas mitigates half of dominated the men's race at the madrid mattress and he finished more than a minutes ahead of his nearest live old tougher crossing the line and the time was 2 hours. 8 minutes. i'm 57 seconds or can use now to that's one at the women's rice . she will say finished while i had 40 full seconds clear of her payments in
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a time of 2 hours. 26 minutes. i'm 20 seconds. many of those athletes will be heading to the power set and picks on the flame is now on its way. there is well on board ice 3 moss and french ships cool that i'm the traveler, 3 creases, currents canal as it began. it's jenny to front is that to reach the port is must say on may the 8th for the stall to bits. rely on french soil. the games run from july 26th to august, and now there aren't many spots try for you. so you can what on your head, but one go for it was able to the just as self declaring victory at the, the of the, the p. well to you, to caps, where i go. i had a close reco round of $63.00 to claim his maids and went on till i did his i'm home . so i already have the championship in japan. the 25 year old caught it 5 buddies and 7 holes in his office, the back side to finish on 17, on the problem 3 shots ahead of the pack. and that on to him about very impressive as well. what do you think of that? would you like to else when does that mean by that one day?
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so i've actually tried one of the summer, i held it so before the very heavy that i would like to say, i got the photograph. i'll show you lights like 7. well, to south africa now, when music played a major role in the new, but that ended the pop time. so hold sticks my boost, say, as an artist who used as talents to encourage unity and the quality. but as the nation celebrates that he is a democracy, he says, there's still a long way to go. for me, the miller has more of a double cross in region. and with an important track, simply titled, nelson, montana was it was written by musicians. people hot stakes, i'm a booster in support of the freedom fighter who had been imprisoned for 27 years. but it was just natural. as a musician you, you feel the importance,
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the contribution that one could make in writing a song like that. the song itself was a contribution, a reading column for nelson mandela's release. this is one of dozens of songs linked to solve africa's fight for freedom, which a no performed by musicians locally and abroad. medusa worked with global stones like maria mckayla and you must have kinda routinely bringing awareness to the struggle of millions of south africans calling for into a party to south africa held its 1st and aquatic election in 1994 and helped me god . oh, how can i go? and then i was elected president. the city is on civil presidents and administrations later. critics say south africa struggling with a poor economy and governance corruption and crime. it is important for us to see
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some of the good things that happened with them, of course, and of course, we have not dealt with poetry. we have not dealt with those who came up to us were homeless. we have no doubt with a our health issues there, many challenges stick with it. the youth, the young people went on and unemployed, but it doesn't mean that nothing has been done, but boost this is despite the challenges many young filled africans today. one of them, his daughter, a former opportunities and before music and arts played a significant role in south africa's fight for democracy. and so what so and other places, songs quoting for freedom pins decades ago, still sung today when people want to express and go discontent. and often people here have a lot to complain about. well, democracy both significant change and freedoms for many here, the government is not fulfilled. some of its promises while sold africa remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. so me them
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a lot older 0 so we talk about the news. i'll be back with more news on the other side of the break. stay with us, the devastation of the issues, usually in the top 5 countries as the most valuable country in the world displacement. if you look at tucker city, it's unbelievable desperation. they're leaving on a fringe of life and did the stock reality of climate change and a rapid lease thinking country. you have the problem to be the rest of the work and have it tomorrow. and they will have to learn from us, which is, here is new series dying of life before land to the latest news, as it breaks, another mazda gray of yours more power, city, and bodies, over 3 of the, their identities are largely lost and on, on a president in war with in depth reports the scale. this was something they've
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never seen before. from the heart of the story, almost $500.00 medical workers have been killed inside the gauze trip, putting more pressure on the health care system that tens of thousands rely on guns . july 2014. as is where the force is bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. residents of the coming to the depth and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian camera mind colleen, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of lives, including his own garza the last picture. oh no, it works out of their existence. it slowed ship as a principal present, as a correspondence with any breaks in the store. we want to hear from those people who would normally know that voice is heard on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud of was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the
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terrible natural disaster. and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the palestinian present mahmoud abbas appeals to the us to help stop israel's plan to attack on rough on the deluxe overall when you want to hold a 0 line headquarters here in the also coming up the wave of his riley strikes at palestinian neighborhoods across the gaza strip. 66 people are killed in the past 24 hours. in advance is government dismissed as a human rights group report accusing the ministry of executing $200.00.


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