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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  May 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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so long. melody: because you saying you don't want kids right now, you might have just missed a really good thing. we find out what happened when the cameras stopped rolling. - don't worry, baby. i got you. - and reveal the answer to the most important question of all. are you two still together? ( music playing ) ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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you feel tonight as president biden kicks off a quick fundraising trip right here in the bay area? >> i live, like right over there, and we're just hoping to get a glimpse. >> i thought i'd just, hang around and, watch the president come in. >> a warm welcome for president biden on his second trip to the bay area this year. good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach, and i'm julie julie haener. >> air force one landed at moffett field this evening, and the president was quickly whisked onto marine one to fly into san francisco just hours earlier, first lady jill biden landed at sfo. she then attended a fundraiser in marin county. their joint visit is all part of a west coast fundraising trip. as the november election nears, ktvu tory gains joins us now live on nob hill in the city with more tory. >> good evening julie. president biden and first lady jill biden
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arrived this afternoon and this evening president biden obviously touching down at crissy field. they're both here for campaign events. and as is normal for presidential visits, we saw plenty of street closures. but that didn't stop people from coming out to get a glimpse. the president touched down at marina green just after 8 p.m, where a small but dedicated crowd gathered just to catch a glimpse. >> i came here for a run with marina run club and then after i finished the run, i was already out here. it was nice weather. so, you know, i thought i'd just, hang around and, watch the president come in. >> so this is my third time here today, so. yeah, we just came. i live, like, right over there, and we're just hoping to get a glimpse. >> the president was greeted by san francisco mayor london breed when he stepped off marine one. some folks we spoke to saw the president the last time he came to visit in february, but they still made it a priority to see him arrive. >> today we're hanging out at the tunnel tops, just like half a mile away. and he's like,
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because i live right in the neighborhood. he's like, hey, do you know why they're blocking a street? i was like, what are you talking about? i'm pretty sure probably joe biden's coming by again today, so grabbed our stuff and just walked on over. >> one of these young boys has already seen local political leaders up close, but he was excited to see the president for the first time. what did you boys see just now? >> helicopters and the joe biden. >> how many police cars did you see? lots. or just a few? few. i for special elections. >> you saw what special agents? >> first lady doctor jill biden arrived at sfo this afternoon before heading to kentfield for a private fundraising event. as far as tomorrow is concerned, president biden is scheduled to attend a reception hosted in palo alto. he will then head to portola valley for an event at the home of a local venture capitalist and billionaire. back out here live just outside of the blockades around the fairmont hotel, where the president and the first lady are
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expected to be staying this evening, we are hoping to. excuse me. those streets are expected to remain blocked off through tomorrow. so those who are hoping to travel through nob hill or around the nob hill area , be prepared and give yourself a little bit of extra time. live in san francisco. tori gaines, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, tori, thank you for that. now, this joint visit comes at a critical time for president biden's reelection campaign. our political reporter, greg lee, has more now on the challenges that lie ahead for president joe biden stopping in the bay area for the second time this year to raise money for his reelection campaign. >> you look at california, and california has historically right, been that atm of american politics. you go from silicon valley to hollywood, from the wine country to beverly hills. >> the president and first lady, jill biden, set to attend separate campaign receptions during the quick trip. doctor biden and kentfield president biden attending two fundraisers in the silicon valley friday, including one at the portola valley home of tech billionaire bernard khosla.
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>> money is the mother's milk of politics, and it matters. and this isn't a presidential election where you're going to see north of 6 to $8 billion, spent billions spent on trying to reach voters in a rematch where the margins are razor thin. >> with six months to election day, biden and former president trump have been neck and neck in recent polls. both presumptive nominees filling their campaign coffers when they can. palestine young people's frustrations with the president and the us's role in israel in gaza front and center on college campuses, both democrats and republicans know young voters could play a pivotal role in the election. >> we would expect to see a split screen of wealthy donors opposite protesters talking about what comes next for us foreign policy in the middle east. the difficulty, however, will not be conversion, and the difficulty will be turnout. and so you're going to see the money that's raised to really go to turnout. >> when biden last visited in february, he was met with protests in san francisco. >> we need joe biden to call for a ceasefire immediately, and we
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need him to condition aid and stop selling arms to israel for the first time, biden warned the u.s. would halt weapons shipments if israel launched an assault in the southern gaza. >> if they go into rafah, they haven't gone in rafah yet. if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah, to deal with the cities, to deal with that problem. >> and while israel, hamas is a concern for many young voters, surveys show they're also driven by issues like the economy and abortion rights. the fundraising will continue for the bidens after they leave the bay area. the president will travel to seattle, the first lady to los angeles at sfo. greg lee, ktvu, fox two news the president's visit to the bay area comes as he has taken a hardened stance against israel's potential full scale invasion of the city of rafah in southern gaza. >> the white house warning israel against an all out assault on the city, which is where more than a million palestinians are currently located, many of whom have fled from the north. israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu said his country will fight hamas even if the united states stops sending weapons to israel. >> we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. >> and in rafah today, israeli tanks and warplanes hit more targets across the city. 50 hamas militants were reportedly killed. the humanitarian crisis in rafah is growing dire. by the day, food, fuel, water and medical assistance running very low. the un says it is still too dangerous to reach a border crossing that israel says it has reopened. >> there is nothing here, no sign of life. we're living through a real tragedy, real in every sense of the word. >> and according to the pentagon, an american ship has left cyprus with humanitarian aid and will deliver it to a floating pier that was built by the us military right off the
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gaza coast. meantime, as talks to pause the fighting and free more hostages held by hamas have come to a halt near associating teams for various sides are now leaving cairo. we will attack. >> we will not rest. hope that this hundreds of ucla faculty and staff rallied on campus today, calling for the resignation of the university's chancellor. >> the faculty members are criticizing chancellor gene block over the handling of a pro-palestinian encampment and the violence that's led to arrests. many faculty members have signed an online petition that calls for block to step down immediately, even though he is retiring at the end of the school year. so far, the chancellor's office has not respond, and tonight's celebrations rang out at the los angeles coliseum for usc's graduation event. the university canceled its main stage graduation because of pro-palestinian protests on campus. instead, they hosted a trojan family graduation celebration featuring drone shows, fireworks and surprise
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performances, and our coverage of the campus protests, as well as the latest developments on the war in gaza, can be found online on our website. it's >> new at ten. the city of fremont says it is the first in the country to have police and fire partner in a program using drones as first responders. officials say the technology improves safety for the public as well as police and fire. it's been in place now for more than a year, but they say it's already a success. ktvu is amber lee joins us live tonight in the newsroom after getting an up close look at how this program works. sounds pretty promising here. >> amber. that's right. mike. mike. police and fire say the program can save lives and it's cost efficient. they tell me the drones are launched for incidents, including ones where lives are at risk. crime scenes and hazmat situations. first responders show us how the drones are used and their impact . this drone is part of a partnership between fremont police and fire. a remote pilot demonstrates a launch from the
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police department. the program is called dfr, short for drone as first responder, and it truly has been such a useful tool for de-escalation for our apprehension of violent suspects, for public safety. when a call for service comes into the 911 dispatch center, drone 56 will be in route to that. a remote pilot determines if the call needs a drone response. drones are usually deployed for critical or life threatening situations. officials say they are not allowed to be used for random surveillance. >> i was the incident commander on this incident, fire battalion chief justin dillman shows me drone footage taken while responding to a house fire. one of our other battalion chiefs was the person operating the drone that was able to give me real life time intel. >> the drone is able to show exactly what's on fire. >> the drones are actually looking for hazards, possible hazards that could affect either public safety in general or responding personnel. >> police say this is video from a drone response to a call reporting a car break in. first
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responders say the device is thermal imaging ability pinpointed the location of a suspect. the suspect's right here, so he's hiding behind the trash cans. the cfr program is in addition to officers and fire personnel who have drones with them. but police say drones deployed through the cfr program can respond much faster because they're launched right after the 911 call comes in, versus personnel with drones driving to the scene before launching. >> by that time, it's probably 15 20 minutes, whereas here we can deploy the drone within and get on scene within two minutes. >> and 30s police and fire launched this program in 2022. they say it costs $40,000 annually for software upgrades. they fly the drones about four days a week on ten hour shifts. >> this program just makes fremont a safer place. so by having drones over the air, we can get a lot, a lot better of a picture, so to speak. on what the actual call is right now, the program has three drones and the launch primarily from the police department.
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>> they're able to respond to calls within a three mile radius. the goal is to expand to multiple strategic locations to cover the whole city. >> mike dfr critical tool. hopefully they can reach that goal. all right. amber lee, live tonight in the newsroom. amber thank you. tonight an investigation is underway after a man was shot in san jose. it happened around 545 right near interstate 280. and mclaughlin avenue. police say the man was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition. it's not clear yet what led up to the shooting or how many people police might be looking for connected to the case in the weekend. >> just around the corner. now there's some changes, though you may notice that, especially if you're in pacifica or half moon bay or san francisco, i'll have the details coming up. >> plus, things might be turning around for the thousands of californians who are losing insurance, the company vowing more support and coverage for homeowners across the state, and more fallout tonight over the decision to rename the oakland airport coming up at 1030, tonight's final approval, paving the way for change and the two lawsuits tied to theote.
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if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy.
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designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo. really across the entire region. and as people enjoy the weather, cal fire reminding everyone to take safety precautions in the warmer weather. ktvu south bay
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reporter lamonica peters live tonight in san jose with tips on heat safety and fire prevention. lamonica >> mike, it was a beautiful day here in san jose, and people certainly came downtown to use these water fountains behind me. and i also spoke with cal fire, who wanted to remind people of some of the dangers that the heat can bring. >> i do like the heat, but not right now. i wasn't ready, i wasn't prepared for it. >> with temperatures warming up this week, some people in san jose say they couldn't resist a chance to enjoy the water fountains at plaza de cesar. chavez got to enjoy this heat. >> you know, i'm a summer guy myself. i love the heat. unfortunately, their mom couldn't be with us today. she's at work. but i told her we're not sitting in the house. we're gonna come out and go to the water. >> i grew up with my mom and dad bringing me here as a kid. so i have my daughter now. so, you know, just coming full circle, trying to get get her out of the heat. have a good time. the warm weather is forecasted to remain throughout the week. >> jason clay with cal fire says
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as people head outdoors, they should remember to pay attention to how their body is responding to the heat. >> we just need to be mindful of our bodies, making sure that we're keeping up with our hydration, eating healthy meals that will fuel your body, giving yourself a break, and just preparing yourself ahead of time. >> may 5th through may 9th is also wildfire preparedness week, and clay says high temperatures can lead to increased fire danger. he says while people can enjoy the warm weather, being safe at home can prevent house and wildfires. >> when you're out grilling, you want to make sure that you don't have anything overhead so that heat can release. you're not grilling right up against the house and you're keeping your grill cleaned and maintained. is the biggest thing. >> clay also says that people should be careful not to create sparks, like when using a lawn mower or parking a hot car on dry grass. he says. we have had fewer wildfires in the last few years, but we all still need to
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be really diligent to help prevent more wildfires. mike. >> yeah. cal fire saying just today that they've already responded to more than 500 wildfires across the state this year. lamonica thank you for that. people taking advantage of the warm weather today at crown beach in alameda. dozens of people splashed around in the water to cool down, and they couldn't be happier at this specific beach. >> oh, the sunshine shine, the friendliness and alameda. it's just a beautiful place to be. it's just warmer over here and it's just a, you know, to take a little trip across the bay and enjoy the warmer weather. >> and dozens of people also hit beaches in san francisco, which, as we know, can often be socked in with the fog. so nice day in the city as well. >> yeah. pretty day. our chief meteorologist, bill martin, joins us now. so can we expect this warm weather to last for a little while, a little while inland. >> and then the coastal areas, as you notice earlier this evening, the fogs come back. and so that's going to drop the temperatures coast side and
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around the bay quite a bit. as we go into the next 36, 40, 36 to 48 hours. but inland will still stay warm. these are the highs from today. very pleasant. lots of mid 80s. look at san francisco at 81 degrees. it was 80 degrees at pacifica. those temperatures tomorrow pacifica will be in the mid 60s. san francisco will be in the upper 60s, low 70s. and the main cooldown will occur along the coast. obviously, as you look at this. beautiful. if you're not looking at your tv, take a peek. it's a fog kind of coming in across the golden gate bridge. it's actually working its way over the headlands there, and you can see bits of the golden gate bridge, a shallow marine layer now, but the fog is going to do this thing where it gets deeper each day as we go into the weekend. so it'll gradually get a little cooler each day for a little further inland each day. so in the beginning tomorrow is just about the coast and around the bay. a little bit cooler. it's still beautiful day and then on saturday it will be more noticeable. and same with sunday. i'll see you back here. we'll look at some models that show the fog. we'll look at the five day forecast as well. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit. bill thank you. new at ten
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major repaving work on highway 37. back on track. caltrans will close the eastbound lanes from highway 121 near sears point to llejo starting tomorrow night at 10 p.m. those lanes will reopen on monday by 5 a.m. wet weather forced caltrans to postpone the work that was scheduled last weekend. the final closure is set for the following weekend, starting may 17th. >> the san jose bart extension project is getting $500 million in federal funding. the valley transportation authority, the agency overseeing this project, says the investment will inch them closer to getting the project complete. construction already underway, the bart extension will build a subway through downtown san jose. this project is expected to cost $12 billion that means it is a nationally important project. >> it is one of the most important projects in this budget, is the second highest project with an allocation. and what that means is that this project has huge support. >> right now. crews are working on the second phase of the
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project, expanding the newell maintenance facility near santa clara university. service is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2037. >> governor newsom is putting the pressure on the city of half moon bay to approve a 40 unit affordable housing project for senior farm workers. the governor released a statement today calling on the city's planning commission to stop stalling. the delay follows a deadly shooting last year that exposed the dire living conditions of farmworkers in the area. earlier this week, the county board of supervisors approved funding for the project. the half moon bay planning commission could move this housing project forward next week. during its meeting on tuesday. all right. >> coming up. some help is on the way for thousands of californians who are losing homeowners insurance. >> also, a controversial plan approved today by the state's public utility commission. the charge that will now be added to many energy bills. >> also, a vegetation fire breaks out in the east bay. ur
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some help. mercury insurance says it will work to provide coverage for customers of tokio marine insurance and its subsidiary, trans pacific insurance. the companies are sending out non-renewal notices starting july 1st. the two insure more than 12,000 homes. mercury says it's working to partner its agents with those who also represented tma. los angeles based mercury says they quote, believe very strongly in california's future. >> california's public utility commission unanimously approved a controversial plan today that will change how customers energy bills are calculated. the plan applies to pge and other investor owned utilities. it adds a $24 charge to most bills in exchange for lowered per kilowatt hour electricity rates. lower income customers will see a flat rate of 6 or $12. these charges will fund utility infrastructure improvements. mark toney, executive director of the utility reform network,
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tells us this plan should result in more equitable contributions really across the state, people who live in the coast, who have cooler climates, who don't use as much electricity will see a small increase, but that is so that people in the central valley who have the lowest incomes and the highest energy use, get a little bit of a break . the new fees are set to take effect in 2026. >> hayward firefighters responded to a vegetation fire that destroyed several cars and threatened homes. ktvu jana katsuyama has the latest on what happened, as investigators are still trying to figure out what started the fire. >> the flames, frighteningly close to homes, shot up through the trees behind a house on lucien way in hayward thursday afternoon. >> it was really, really scary. >> lucy nieto was home is adjacent to the trees in her neighbor's backyard that caught on fire a shock, she says. seeing the flames so close, i
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jumped out, got my family out and then i don't know what came over me. >> but basically i just thought, well, maybe i could slow down the fire. i grabbed the hoses. >> she says she got her elderly parents out of the house, and then came back to try and put water on her shed and fence to slow the flames. i grabbed the hoses. >> i told my son to grab a hose and start watering down the grass. our shed area. hayward fire crews arrived and were able to keep the fire from spreading to surrounding houses, but four vehicles parked in the backyard were completely destroyed. >> two people who live in the home were able to get out and no one was injured. but one big concern the strong wind gusts that blew embers to four other places, causing spot fires even across the nearby railroad tracks blocks away. when you get a tree that that's that's that high, especially eucalyptus trees, they they do, you know, put out a lot of embers and stuff and they burn pretty, pretty hot. and fire investigators say there are no power lines nearby. and it
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appears the fire started with the trees and then spread to the cars. >> sounded like the tree was what caught on fire first. but also we know that there was some possible maintenance on the cars in the last few days, so that could have played a factor. >> jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> a legal battle is intensifying over the oakland airport's name change. the counter lawsuit now filed just as port of oakland officials approved the new title. >> plus, to sell it out of their apartment with their baby is just is beyond belief. >> frustration in the south bay, where a couple is accused of exposing their baby to fentanyl. what we're learning from prosecutors and an update on the child's condition. >> also, a warning from the fbi tonight ahead of the november election, the concern that foreign governments will use artificial intelligence to spread false information, and a special unveiling this coming fall on the stanford campus, how the women's basketball program plans to honor their hall of fame. former coach, our jason
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appelbaum with the story tonight in sports.
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san francisco over changing the name of the oakland airport port. officials say they are asking the court to rule that the name san francisco bay oakland international airport does not infringe upon sfo's trademark in its airport name. in addition, they want the court to determine that no one owns or has trademark rights to this san francisco bay area. today, the port voted unanimously to make the name change official. ktvu tom vacar has more on that part of the story. >> vote no to the name change and no to the airport expansion. please protect the east bay and lead the way to a healthy future
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with fewer flights and less pollution. >> the slanted survey written and administered to achieve approval, it does not at all provide evidence that aucklanders want a name change. >> amir adib, a bay area trademark and intellectual property attorney, says since both entities are in the exact same business airports, san francisco probably has the better claim after almost 100 years. >> san francisco is prominent. it's the first part of the both marks, it creates a lot of issues around confusion. if you enter san francisco into san francisco's pop up, that that's by definition, that's very confusing. come up with something that's more distinctive at the beginning of the name. if you really want to change your name, even at oakland airport, where we met passengers from out of town, opinion was divided. >> i would guess that maybe combining the names, maybe, teaches people that they are close and affiliated with each
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other. i do know that when i first was flying here, that it was a little confusing which one to go to so i can understand that being an issue. >> actually, i like it being oakland. i like it being, not not so confusing for somebody who doesn't fly in here all the time. >> the san francisco city attorney issued this statement. if oakland continues to rebuff our offers to partner, we'll have to move forward with the next steps in our trademark lawsuit and seek a preliminary injunction to stop infringement on sfo's trademark tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> the office of san francisco city attorney david chu releasing a statement saying it is disappointing that oakland chose to ignore our multiple offers to collaborate on alternative names and avoid litigation. we have no choice but to move forward with next steps in our trademark lawsuit. >> an update now on a hit and run in san francisco that injured two people, including a 14 year old girl. earlier this
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week, district attorney brooke jenkins announced today that 54 year-old rodney jefferson has been charged with a number of crimes, including reckless driving with great bodily injury and driving with a suspended license. this is video from the crash at embarcadero and jones that happened after a police pursuit with jefferson police say it all started when he was spinning donuts on tuesday morning and struck a person who works for urban alchemy. the suspect then drove off, hitting a 14 year old girl who was crossing the street. both victims are expected to survive tonight. >> a south bay couple is in jail charged with exposing their infant to a lethal amount of fentanyl. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary has the story about a large bag of pills hidden right underneath a baby's crib. >> santa clara county prosecutors say octavian moreno and crystal delgado are major players in the illicit south bay drug trade. >> these were large time drug dealers. >> thursday in san jose superior
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court. both faced four felonies and one misdemeanor for selling large quantities of drugs from their two bedroom apartment and within feet of their ten month old baby, elias. it's similar to the cases of toddler winter rio and baby phoenix, both of whom died, prosecutors say due to parents selling or using fentanyl, which the children then accidentally ingested. >> i know for so many people in our community, it's frustrating to hear that we still have these crimes existing because it doesn't make sense. like why you don't do everything to protect your child. >> on the contrary, may 7th, which was national fentanyl awareness day. officers with the county's special enforcement team recovered 25 to 55,000 fentanyl pills under baby eliza's crib. it's the largest fentanyl seizure in santa clara county history. additionally, 13 pounds of marijuana, a pound and a half of coke and a loaded gun were also found, all within the baby's reach.
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>> they are making a choice to sell this drug. nobody is forcing them to sell it and to sell it out of their apartment with their baby is just is beyond belief. >> judge hector ramone ordered $275,000 bail for moreno and 200,000 for delgado. the baby is being cared for by the child's paternal grandmother. >> when you see something, say something, because it wasn't just a risk to that baby. it would have been a risk to any child that was visiting that home. it could have been a risk to any child where those drugs were sold. >> judge ramone says he wants guardrails to ensure the child's safety and issued a protective order against both parents, which brought delgado to tears. both moreno and delgado are due back in superior court july 18th to enter pleas to charges that, if convicted, could keep them away from their baby for over a decade. outside superior court here in san jose. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news and two parents in roseville are now facing child endangerment charges for allegedly having fentanyl within reach of their
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three children, authorities say. >> during the search, authorities found evidence that the two were selling fentanyl and that those children had access to the drug. the three children are now in protective custody. a new ruling says nonviolent felons cannot be banned from owning guns. >> today, the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco ruled that a federal law banning convicted felons from possessing guns is unconstitutional, at least for those convicted of nonviolent felonies. the ruling says when the second amendment was added to the constitution, the right to bear arms applied to all citizens, regardless of their past actions. a new report from the gun safety group everytown says the rate of gun thefts in the u.s. has tripled since 2013. the group says nearly 112,000 guns were stolen in 2022, and over half of those were taken from cars. cars parked at residences are the most common targets. there are no california cities in the top 20 on the list. oceanside in san diego county had the highest rate in
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our state, with just under six thefts per 100,000 residents. everytown urges gun owners to lock their vehicles and use gun safes. >> coming up at 11, a woman who ran to be the sheriff of santa clara county now accused of perjury. the accusations that she lied on her resume. >> and we're looking into some temperatures tomorrow that could exceed 8588 even in 90 degrees. it's going to be a warm one tomorrow. cooler at the coast with that fog returning. but the weekend is almost here. we'll take a look at that as well. >> but first, the biden administration rolling out a new rule when it comes to the sylum process. but some
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sources of election disinformation in the november election. the agency says
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foreign adversaries could deploy artificial intelligence as a means to spread disinformation. a recent intelligence community report found that russia tried to denigrate the democratic party in the 2022 midterms, and china sought to influence races featuring candidates from both parties, focusing on those with anti-china views. >> adult film actress stormy daniels was back on the witness stand, and former president trump's criminal trial in new york city. daniels faced another round of questioning during cross examination. trump's attorney tried to discredit and point out inconsistencies in her story about the alleged sexual encounter with trump. the defense also questioned daniels about why she accepted $130,000 payment to keep quiet, instead of going public. >> i think you'll see some very revealing things today. and, i want to thank my lawyers. they've done a very good job, but i'd rather thank them after it's over. >> trump's team argued daniels just wanted to profit from telling the story, which
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included a book deal, strip club tour and documentary. disgraced movie mogul harvey weinstein will remain in new york as he awaits retrial in a rape case at a hearing today. the 72 year old did not consent to an extradition request from california. weinstein arrived in a wheelchair days after being released from the hospital. his legal team citing his health and trial preparation as a reason to stay in new york. >> the biden administration says it wants to speed up the asylum process at the southern border. a new rule announced today will allow border agents to turn away migrants who are considered a national security or public safety risk during their initial screening. currently, migrants can wait out their asylum process in the u.s, even if they have criminal backgrounds or pose a security concern. >> we should not fear immigration as a subject matter. we should lean into it. >> we're going to be dealing with this as a catastrophe and an extreme danger to our homeland for the foreseeable
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future. >> it's not clear what percentage of migrants seeking asylum will be affected by this new rule. california senator alex padilla says he is closely reviewing the rule. he says his main concern is that moving the asylum bars to the initial credible fear interview stage risks returning legitimate asylum seekers to danger. to improve the asylum system, we must fully fund it and provide access to counsel. >> a florida sheriff publicly released body cam footage from a deputy who fatally shot a us airman in his home last week. sheriff's office opened the door . the sheriff's office says the video shows the deputy knocking on roger faustin's front door, announcing the sheriff's department was there not once, but twice. deputies shot and killed the 23 year old after fortson opened the door, and they saw what he was holding a gun in his right hand, but his arm remained down. fersen's family accused deputies of mistakenly entering his
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apartment while responding to a disturbance call. but the sheriff today disputing that claim. the family's attorney says fortson was a licensed gun owner. i know my son did not do anything to you guys. >> if he scared you or if you guys wasn't trained properly, i apologize, but please clean my baby reputation. >> the sheriff says there's been no determination as to whether the deputy's actions were justified or not. the investigation continues. >> coming up, an emotional day in the east bay where law enforcement officials honored fallen oakland police officer twan lay, plus. >> shots fired during a rowing competition on the sacramento river. the bay area athletes and parents who witnessed the terrifying incident. >> and we are looking ahead now to the weekend. our chief meteorologist, bill martin, is back after the break with your neighb hood ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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police found them with a gun. and these bags of narcotics. yesterday, officers responded to a call from a woman who said she was trying to sell her pickup truck. now, police say the caller told them that she was concerned about the potential buyers since he had asked to see the truck just after midnight. officers soon located those potential buyers, 51 year old delgado herrera and 59 year old john villa. they say they found
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31g of meth, heroin and a handgun, as well as ammunition inside the suspect's car. >> some scary moments for a young rowing team as shots were fired during a competition on the sacramento river. >> ktvu crime reporter henry lee spoke with a parent of one of the rowers, who says bullets flew just feet away from the athletes. >> these teenage boys from the east bay were rowing in a race on the sacramento river when, without warning, this happened, someone fired at least three shots that landed near the team. you can see splashes from bullets in the water just a few feet away from the boat. >> it was pretty shocked. i think all of us were. it's horrifying. >> fred ackerman's 15 year old son was among nine boys on the boat. their team, the oakland strokes, was taking part in a regatta in the sacramento river ship channel on april 20th. when the shots rang out. >> it was maybe ten feet. it could have been closer. it could have been a little bit further away, but it was too close. >> luckily, no one was hurt. a
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motive unknown. >> no one saw the shooter. there were. there were dozens and dozens of people. there were boaters or people fishing. there were, people walking along the path and the police don't even know where the shots came from. >> west sacramento police are investigating. the high school age boys on the boat are part of the oakland strokes, which compete in local, state and national races. they practice five days a week. they're based at the tidewater aquatic center in oakland. they're certainly aware of the violence in oakland, but never expected to get shot at while racing out on the water. >> no parent should give any thought to sending their child to a sporting event, to a concert, to elementary school and think my child might get shot today. >> video of that shooting was caught by a woman whose son is also on the team, and quite understandably, everyone is shaken. but grateful that no one was hurt. anyone with information is asked to contact west sacramento police. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> it was a special and emotional day at the alameda
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county sheriff's office regional training center in dublin, harlem. the 179th academy hosted its memorial run in honor of oakland police officer twan lee. his family was there with two recruits presenting his mother and widow with flowers. this academy class had just started its training when officer lee was shot and killed last december. today, lee's brother in law thanked the recruits for honoring the fallen officer. this way, saying he knew the importance of crossing the finish line together as a unit and leaving no one behind. this was the last time all 61 of the recruits in the 179th ran together before graduation on monday. >> new numbers show more than half of all california are not prepared for an upcoming federal id deadline. on this week, the california department of motor vehicles announced around 17.4 million residents have their real id that's less than half of the 40 million people who call california home. starting in
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early may 2025. everyone must have a real id if they want to board flights with the within the us or enter federal facilities, the california dmv says applying for a real id requires proof of identity proof of california residency, and a trip to a dmv. >> checking in on the weather. we had temperatures today that were warmer than yesterday. lots of mid 80s, upper well, vallejo hit 87. we did see pittsburgh go to 90 degrees, but most of the temperatures generally pretty pleasant in the 80s mid 80s. even at the coast where we had 80 degrees in pacifica, 81 in san francisco. so a nice day story now is we've got fog coming back to the coast. you can see it here in this sort of moody shot of the golden gate bridge and the fog. it's real patchy out there. there's a lot of brown stenson right now, but it's not contiguous. it's sort of it's fractured. so there's lots of this is just a blob of it. and there's a big break off a couple couple hundred yards offshore. but the fog is filling in. and that is the indication
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obviously, that this see the cool air which way it's going. you can see it moving. i mean it's trying to cool off the inland bay valley so the valley gets hot the inland spots. right. and then the air starts to rise and the cold air sinks. right. and the cold air, that's the fog. the cold air is drawn to that vacuum. that is the heat. and that's what's going to happen. that's what's happening right now. it'll happen over a little bit. it'll happen each day over the next few days, which will result in further cooling and further intrusion inland to the fog as the marine layer gets a little bit deeper. so it's that time of year all makes sense. the winds are down and the winds have changed direction too. we've got the fairfield's a good indicator for 12 miles an hour southwest, and then we've got a lot of western, a lot more westerly flow. san francisco airport six calm at half moon bay earlier today, we had some 15 mile an hour gusts onshore at the gate at the golden gate bridge. the current temperatures still, there's the cool 58 in san francisco, and there's the warm 71 in concord. so that cool air is trying to get there, and that's what it's
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going to do next few days. temperatures are certainly cooler than they were last night at this time by a significant amount. and we can see that the fog will fill in tonight with temperatures tomorrow. cooler along the coast. pacifica just in the mid 60s. san francisco in the low 70s, mid 60s. not in the 80s, but you're still going to have some warmth. and this looks like right, a kind of a bay area summer microclimate, classic bay area, summer microclimate, cool coast, mild old bay, little warmer and then hot inland or low 90s inland. the five day forecast. there it is. and you can see the temperatures do take a drop as we go into mother's day, but still nice weather. it's just going to be a not as stunning as it was today. >> all right. still looks nice though bill. thank you. visitors will soon have to pay a fee to hike a popular trail in northern california. this week, the bureau of land management announced that starting in early november, backpackers will have to pay a $12 fee to hike the lost coast trail in the king range wilderness. right now,
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visitors only have to pay a $6 reservation fee to hike the trail in mendocino county. the bureau of land management says these fees will be used to help improve access to public lands, enhance public health and safety, and better protect natural resources. >> the cherry picking season is up and running right here in the bay area. farms in brentwood are now open and inviting families to visit and pick cherries they want to buy. orchards are typically open only on weekends, from around eight in the morning to five at night, and if you are planning to visit a farm, you are encouraged to wear closed toed shoes and bring your own buckets for those cherries. >> the council of southern africa football associations has picked their women's or women's player of the year, and it's the bay fc's own rachel kundananji. she plays the forward position for the team coming to the bay area from zambia. the inaugural ceremony was held in johannesburg, south africa, 11 awards were given out for the best performances in 2023. kundananji couldn't make it to
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receive the award since she was traveling with her team to play against the orlando pride. >> coming up in sports, a big loss for the 49ers family, jason appelbaum honors the late jimmie johnson. >> then on the 11:00 news, california attorney general rob bonta announcing today a multi-million dollar settlement against some of the country's largest wireless carriers
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jimmie johnson has passed away at the age of 86. johnson was the niners first round draft pick out of ucla in 1961, and he played his entire 16 year career
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in san francisco. he was so good that opposing quarterbacks rarely threw his way, and when they did, they paid the price. johnson finished his hall of fame career with 47 interceptions. none more memorable than the pick six in the 1970 season finale against the oakland raiders, which helped clinch the division title and earned the 40 niners their first playoff berth in 14 years. he's one of six hall of famers to have spent his entire career with the 49ers. the giants they scored 13 runs over the previous two games at coors field, but today in the series finale, they could muster just one. giants fans munching on some snacks looks like some chicken nuggets. and the giants, they got on the board first michael conforto. opposite field home run off cal quantrill. his second homer in as many games. his seventh of the season. it's one nothing
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giants but the rockies. they got it back and then some in the bottom half of that frame. brendan doyle a big blow, a three run blast off keaton wynn. rockies explode for seven runs in the fourth to win 9 to 1. the giants are now back home for nine games, beginning with the cincinnati reds tomorrow night, beginning with the college season in november, stanford basketball games at maples pavilion will forevermore be played on tara vanderveer court. the school announced today that a special court dedication and public celebration to unveil the new court will take place at a home game in november. under vanderveer, the stanford women's basketball team won 531 games at maples pavilion. she retired last month as the winningest coach in college basketball history. the number one seed oklahoma city thunder. they had not lost a game this postseason, a perfect five and zero coming into tonight's game. two of the
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western conference semifinals against the dallas mavericks, luka doncic and the mavs. they pretty much controlled this one from the outset. late third, though doncic off the steal, and he's going to dish one of his seven assists. alley oop to derrick jones. he had 29 points and ten rebounds. did doncic okc perfect. no more the mavs. they even up the series with a 119, 110 win. donovan mitchell and the cavaliers taking on jayson tatum and the celtics. game two of the eastern semis at the garden. mitchell finds some space hits the three to beat the third quarter buzzer. he finished with 29 as the cavs. they shocked the celtics beat them by 24 to even up that series at a game apiece. as the series now shifts to cleveland and an early yes mother's day hug for mom after the game, a uc davis baseball team making the national highlights not once,
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but twice this week. you got to check this out. davis hosting nevada on monday. nick iverson he's covering a lot of ground to make the diving catch in. the aggies win. nice grab beautiful. good effort. but here's the play over the weekend the aggies hosting long beach state. the dirtbags and watch this oh my god. oh yeah noel valdez over the railing into the dugout. he was fine. great concentration. >> you know he earned fired up to like i got it as he should be. he should be pumped up. >> and you know what? those two plays, both top ten espn plays of the week. >> so yeah, they love national some national recognition for uc davis. >> they're having a down year, but they've won 4 or 5 i believe. and it's nice to see them getting that national attention. >> that is incredible knowledge. >> well my nephew pitched for him a few years back, so i still follow the program. okay there you go. there you go. yeah, i didn't know. >> thanks for filling me in. hey. >> anytime. thanks, mike. any
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time you do sports. no, thanks. next at 11. >> well, this program just makes fremont a safer place. >> we're using technology for good. >> it is a first of its kind program in the country. and tonight we are getting an up close look at the drone system helping protect an east bay city . >> the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. >> a partnership between fremont police and fire departments is already seeing success. hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. the departments have teamed up for a program that uses drones as first responders, and in some cases, a drone can be on scene within 2.5 minutes. >> and new tonight ktvu is amber lee shows us this new technology improves safety for the public and law enforcement. >> this drone is part of a partnership between fremont police and fire. a remote pilot demonstrates a launch from the police department. the program is called dfr, short for drone as first responder, and it truly has been such


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