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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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let's take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. the russian army repulsed 17 attacks in so, the center, west and south groups occupied more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formation lost about 1,200 more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, a tank and four armored vehicles, as well as 22 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly american-made, were destroyed. the air defense system shot down 46 drones. about the situation at the front, anastasia ivanova.
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despite the supply of foreign equipment and ammunition to the ukranazis, russian populations there are more and more points in the special operation zone. nova-bakhmutovka in the dpr has been liberated. our military is leaving no chance for the western wild geese to hunt the russians, with a precision strike on a hotel in nikolaev this night where foreign mercenaries were reportedly stationed. a heat-generating infrastructure facility was also hit, this was confirmed by the so-called head of the nikolaev region, vitaly kim. russian missiles have worked. on military facilities in the dnepropetrovsk region. operational-tactical aviation, missile troops and artillery of groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation destroyed hangars with attack unmanned aerial vehicles at the kamenko airfield, dnepropetrovsk region. in addition, warehouses with aviation ammunition and aircraft equipment were hit at the airfields of priluka , chernihiv region, and starokonstantinov, khmelnytsky region. temporary deployment points for foreign mercenaries, manpower and military personnel. ukrainian armed forces equipment in district 121, i see
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the target, heal the enemy, ready to work, location coordinates the enemy were transferred to the control point, then to the bmp-3 crew in the drone’s lenses, the result of the work of motorized riflemen, the firing points of the ukrainian militants were hit. we often shoot at dugouts, at trenches, it happens that yes, it is necessary to hit firing points, firing points are... machine gun points, gun emplacements, cultural weapons, well, tourists, sometimes we practice on technology so that the enemy does not bring up his reserves. our soldiers, as always , work at night, this is another output of one of the crews of the multiple launch rocket system, they act precisely according to reconnaissance data, this time the target is the command post of the ukrainian armed forces. clouds of smoke rise one after another; the kiev terrorists had no chance to survive. the crew of the attack army aviation is...
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personnel. and after such hard work - a hearty meal. the field kitchen is set up not far from the military positions, where ready-made meals are delivered over rough roads. homemade soup, buckwheat porridge with meat for dessert, gingerbread and juice. a complete menu for complete recuperation. anastasia ivanova, lead.
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kyiv troops suffer heavy losses and the commander in chief in so, alexander syrsky, admitted that ukrainian militants had to retreat in the areas of berdyshchi, semenovka and novomikhailovka. i emphasized that the situation at the front has greatly worsened, but against this background the west has less and less desire to send weapons to kiev, that’s what the head of european diplomacy said. we are forced to continue supporting people in ukraine; europeans will not die for it. how much longer should we spend so much money, well, we have committed ourselves to supporting ukraine since the beginning of the conflict, we need to support ukraine until then, as long as ukrainians are able to resist. ukrainian commanders no longer believe in kiev’s victory, despite multi-billion dollar us aid, but this is indicated by the swiss publication blick. calls the situation a horror scenario for
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the zelensky regime. officers of the armed forces of ukraine stated that kiev troops will definitely have to leave donbass by october. about the disappointment of the west, natalya goncharova. france is critically behind when it comes to aid to ukraine. in an interview with bfm tv, politician raphael glucksmann accused emmanuel macron of empty talk. by according to him, for more than two years of conflict, the fifth republic cannot supply the ssu with more than 500 shells per month, while the russian army, according to his data, fires 20 thousand shells a day at the enemy. there are no long-term contracts with our industrialists. france is lagging behind. with the help of ukraine, emmanuel macron utters complex sentences, but after that nothing happens, there is no reorganization of our defense system and no supplies. there is a huge gap between what is said and what is done. at the beginning of the war, the term “macronism” was even born, when you speak in long phrases with a dash of theatrical art.
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kiev will not be able to go on the offensive before 2025. such forecasts are voiced in the new material by the washington post. journalists write that after the new. avoid getting to the front. the french media publish a photo of a ukrainian who, risking his life, tried to swim across the dniester on an inflatable mattress and wanted to escape to moldova. the risk was in vain, the man was detained by the police. according to cnn, infinite an infusion of arms money will strengthen
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zelensky's position and cause even more deaths. the author believes that the only way out is to use diplomacy. in addition, europeans are americans, according to military experts already. tired of sending money to kiev. moscow is betting on exhaustion, this applies to both the front and the european community. this strategy seems to be working. we see that, slowly but still, further resistance to aid to ukraine is growing. the russian authorities expect that neither the united states nor europe will be able or willing to provide kiev with sufficient ongoing support, and they may be right. columnist for the british daily mail pete hicchinsky. time emphasizes that even a seedy peace for kiev would be better than prolonging the conflict. hitchins notes that the conflict in ukraine was initially the whim of a small group of american elites who tried to orchestrate foreign policy. she achieved nothing, but she destroyed iraq, libya, syria,
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and having suffered another fiasco, she simply began a new adventure, abandoning her previous project to the mercy of fate. it seems the same fate expects ukraine too. the confiscation of russia's frozen assets, which washington insists on, will create a very dangerous precedent for europe, for example, germany is afraid that berlin will be forced to pay for the second world war. the woll street journal points out that france, britain and other countries fear claims from former colonies. the arguments were studied by boris ivanin. even the freezing of russian assets abroad, which the west decided to do at the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict.
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euros, for the eu their confiscation carries great risks, especially for germany, which is already has already lost a reliable source of energy resources from russia after washington’s sabotage of the nord stream gas pipeline. berlin has emerged as one of the most vocal opponents of us-led efforts
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to requisition some of the nearly $300 billion in russian central bank assets that were frozen at the start of the ukraine conflict. germany fears that the confiscation, rather than freezing, of these funds... could create a precedent, in which case they fear in the german bundestag and they themselves may be charged for the crime in years world war ii, therefore berlin proposes to use russia’s frozen assets as a tool for political yes... got him to sign joint statements, to study options for confiscation within the family group, despite all
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the warnings to moscow that there is a significant amount of western assets in russian jurisdiction assets, for which g7 decisions can boomerang, and the reputational losses of the west can be enormous. foreign investors, foreign countries that keep their holdings in assets of these countries, they will now start 10 times. think before investing your money, reliability will disappear, reliability disappears overnight, at the same time, a stupid decision, not thought through, will take decades to recover, otherwise, of course, such decisions will have very broad judicial prospects, and of course, russia will take advantage of these judicial the prospects will be to endlessly defend their interests in this regard. states promise to use the dollar as a financial weapon, but in the end they risk devaluing it as a tool for global calculations -
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houses and 3,000 personal plots. the most difficult situation is in the obad district. 1,500 people were evacuated. the water reached the tyumen-omsk federal highway. now specialists are strengthening the dams along this road. there are heavy showers and wind in yekaterinburg. the gusts even nearly carried away the stroller with the baby. and her father barely managed to bring her to the entrance. on the chelyabinsk highway, a pine tree was uprooted; it blocked traffic and accumulated. former british prime ministers boris
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johnson and lis tras are preparing a coup, they want to remove the current head of government, rishi sunak, from his post, as the financial times claims, they will try to do this on may 2 if the conservatives lose in the local elections; johnson and tras have a lot of experience. in ireland, almost the entire population of the town of kennedy, several thousand people went on a protest march. they demanded that the construction of the accommodation center be stopped. the country's authorities want to set up a camp there for one and a half hundred illegal immigrants; residents fear that such a number
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of embittered foreigners will make life in a quiet city unbearable. government ireland, in turn, is dissatisfied with neighboring britain; from may 2, london will begin sending illegal immigrants to rwanda. to avoid such a fate, migrants fled to ireland. the british themselves, in turn, are dissatisfied with the french, they are selling illegal immigrants to the british, which is good. in arabia, a powerful tornado passed through near the city of abha, well , a red alert level was declared in the region, but in the end everything worked out, no one was hurt, although several cars were almost overturned by the whirlwind. orthodox christians have palm tree sunday, it is celebrated a week before easter.
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solemn services were held in the ak church. patriarch of moscow all russia kirill performed the divine liturgy in the cathedral of christ. savior, i cordially congratulate you on the great feast of the lord’s entry into jerusalem. the church holidays that we celebrate and which are associated with the name of the lord and savior are not based on real celebration at the time when the lord lived. all of them passed in silence, and sometimes in sorrow. and if you... glory, like a transformation in favor, then it’s not were accompanied by no popular celebration, the people seemed to be aloof from everything that was connected even with the triumph of the savior, only one event from his earthly life became a holiday for the people, this is the one
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that we celebrate today, his solemn entry into jerusalem. the european boxing championships ended in belgrade, serbia, with nine athletes from russia fighting for gold. my colleague stas ridekultsev watched the final matches. and now he is in direct contact with us. stas, greetings. so, what are the successes of russian boxers? greetings anton, but i think that from the last chords of the anthem of the russian federation it is clear that... the european boxing championship ended triumphantly for our brilliant team, nine finals and out of thirteen weight categories , eight gold medals and one silver, as well as one bronze are imported from the capital serbia, the russian boxing team, it feels like the russians were making up for
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their inability to participate in the european boxing championship last year for political reasons. our team missed, but after the decision of the international boxing association to admit russians and belarusians to the world and european championships as national teams, without any restrictions, naturally, our athletes did everything possible so that the russian anthem was played here in belgrade as often as possible, and it was heard here eight times. edmund khudayan, dmitry dvaliya, eduard savin, vsevalot shumkov, gabil mamedov, sharabuddin ataev, muslim gadzhi magomedov, tarkhan idigov
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- these are the names of the new european boxing champions, russians, and, of course, they... demonstrated the highest class - in their fights they rightfully won gold medals for many of our athletes this was their first success on the international stage and how pleasant it certainly is for - russians for russian athletes, boxers are one of the few who have the opportunity to compete at the european or world championships under their own flag and with the winners, of course, after the award fight. we talked, they really glowed with happiness, we have a fairly diverse team, different boxing styles among athletes, different nationalities, different sizes, but everyone sang the anthem of the russian federation today, but now yes, i give the floor to dmitry dvala, how could i not win, not hold this medal for my relatives, for
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my family, for my girl, hello alyonka, here for all ours, for for the country for... ours, here is the flag, here is the gold medal, everything is in place, everything is as it should be, as it should be, on the face of the european champion in the weight up to 48 kg, edmund khudayan, almost everything is printed fights, he had several cuts, but today he was stronger than the armenian boxer shared your emotions are the secret of success. emotions, a storm, there is such a thing inside, well, joy. like this, yes, i don’t show it, but inside everything is burning, everything is boiling, i’m very glad, because we’ve been working towards this for a long time, there were such working days, training camps, we went through a lot.
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russia knocked out europe with eight gold, one silver, one bronze, this is the result of the men, well, the day before the women won three gold and... seven silver medals and of course the russian team won the first overall place in the old world tournament. anton, yes, stas, thank you, we join in the congratulations about the european boxing championship, my colleague stas redikultsev said. at bigfest, a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at very competitive prices. price sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, the opportunity to immediately get everything you have long dreamed of,
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the fund's capabilities - defenders of the fatherland, veterans of the northern military district will be able to receive additional payment from the fund for technical rehabilitation equipment, which they purchase using an electronic certificate from the social fund of russia. thus, veterans will be provided with more expensive and high-tech rehabilitation means. in addition, the fund will be able to transfer donations to charitable organizations that help demobilized soldiers and the families of the dead. this will allow you to provide. support for a wider range of requests. the government has allocated more than 2 billion rubles to support residents and enterprises of the belgorod region. the funds will be used to pay material and financial assistance to residents who were forced to leave their permanent place of residence, reconstruction and modernization industrial facilities, as well as for payments to employees of smes in the consumer market and individual entrepreneurs. in total
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, more than 6 billion rubles will be allocated to the subject in 2024, the fourth year. mikhail mishustin visited the central aerological observatory of roshydromet in dolgoprudny. the prime minister inspected the outdoor exhibition of mobile monitoring stations, an exhibition of equipment for forecasting extreme weather events, equipment for monitoring the arctic and antarctica, geophysical space monitoring, and also talked with an employee of roshydromet. volunteers in the nwo zone. the head of government spoke at a meeting of the roshydromet board dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the service. he noted the developed structure, powerful, scientific and technical base of the service. in terms of the quality of forecasts, the department is among the top five in the world. and it is necessary to further actively develop the national system for monitoring permafrost stagnation. the head of state ordered
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to increase it as soon as possible. to the stations, last year 20 of them were created, in the current one there should be about 60, in total by the beginning of 2026 we will place 140 such stations, then mikhail mishustin visited mipt, where he inspected the laboratories, got acquainted with the development plan of the educational institution, and also talked with students and employees who told about your projects. this is amazing. what are you thinking about here, first of all , about how to make breakthrough solutions in the country, research, design work, but the most important thing is new ideas, when you are neo-science, but lead to industrial production, when you are with industrial production associations, with those who one way or another need modern technological
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about taking your own. at the bigfest for sure.


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